Using texts in the Business English Classroom
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In this webinar we will look at different kinds of texts that can be used to aid and support the teaching of business English. I will talk about where and how these texts can be sourced, and how to make creative and effective use of them once you have found them. Additionally, I will take a brief look at some copyright issues that teachers may be in danger of infringing, and talk about how to keep our lessons interesting, relevant, up to date, and at the same time, on the right side of the law.
About the presenter: Karen Richardson is an ELT materials writer and teacher of Business English. Originally from the UK, she has been based in Germany for the past 20 years. You can find the weekly Guardian newspaper lesson plans she writes along with her colleague Tim Bowen, as well as the monthly Business Spotlight lesson plans, and the Business Top Trumps cards and lessons on Macmillan's teacher resource website (
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