
Macmillan Online Conference "Spring school 2023"

29 Березня 16:00
Macmillan Online Conference "Spring school 2023"

Шановні колеги, запрошуємо на щорічну онлайн конференцію для вчителів англійської мови
Macmillan Education Ukraine: “Spring School 2023” Online Conference 28 – 29 March

29 March, Wednesday

Реєстрія за посиланням https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DuBd6SOOTuqw7zx0jZQs5w

16.00 – 17.00 Karolina Kotorowicz-Jasinska
How to assess secondary students’ mistakes in speaking and writing
Let’s face it – all students make mistakes. And guess what: it’s actually a good thing because many of them are, in fact, learning steps. In other words – many of the wrong uses of the language are signs of students’ progress, especially in speaking and writing, and those should definitely be appreciated. The question is: how do we differentiate between the mistakes that do need correction and those which we don’t have to be so strict about?

That is exactly the question I will answer in my webinar. Also, I will address the issue of whether assessment and error correction are equal – and why not. We’ll explore various tried-and-tested ways of correcting mistakes, ready for you to take straight into your secondary classroom. Last but not least, we’ll define the term ‘valuable feedback’ – and what it means when assessing speaking and writing in this age group. The illustration of the concepts to be discussed will come from ‘Gateway’ series.

17.00 – 18.00 Jacek Lagun
AssessMEANT – on giving meaningful feedback that motivates students
In the thick of exam preparation, we sometimes forget what assessment is for. At times, we tend to focus on filling the blanks or choosing the correct option in a multiple choice exercise more than on our students’ actual communicative skills. Consequently, we lose sight of the fact that assessment is feedback that is supposed to inform our students of both the progress they have made and areas they still have to improve in.
In my workshop, I would like to make us reflect on the real goal of feedback and the value it can bring into our education. I will also share several practical ideas for introducing meaningful assessment that motivates students to develop their language skills. Some illustration will come from Get200.