Macmillan Spring School
30 Березня
Запрошуємо взяти участь в онлайн конференції: “Macmillan Spring School”
Дата: 30 березня 2021 року
Час проведення: 15:00 - 18.00 (український час)
За годину до початку конференції на сайті буде активною кнопка START WEBINAR
15.00 – 16.00: "All hands on deck - on teaching grammar in mixed ability teenage groups", презентатор - Małgorzata Mróz, ELT тренер
16.00 – 17.00: "Developing Writing: Overcoming the obstacles, in class and online", презентатор - David Spencer, автор підручника “Gateway”
17.00 – 18.00: "The three (un)wise monkeys - on developing listening skills", презентатор - Jacek Lagun, ELT тренер
Усі учасники отримають електронні сертифікати.
Małgorzata Mróz
All hands on deck - on teaching grammar in mixed ability teenage groups
Teaching grammar to mixed ability groups is what we face on a daily basis as teachers of teenagers. Our classes usually consist of students whose skills vary greatly: some of them learn to build complex language structures quite quickly, some are extremely creative with language use but struggle with accuracy, while others make almost no mistakes but don’t go beyond simple sentences. The question that naturally follows is how to make sure that our students make progress despite having different learning strategies, knowledge, sets of skills, interests, and levels of enthusiasm.
In this session we will focus on practical, tried-and-tested solutions to teaching grammar in such mixed ability teenage groups. Rather than focusing on the challenges, we’ll take a closer look at some opportunities that the process opens up. We will also see how to adjust a wide range of grammatical tasks provided by the All Clear course to meet the needs of our teenage students.
In this session you’ll learn:
- how to estimate the strengths and weaknesses of your teenage students when teaching grammar
- how to select, analyse and adjust grammatical exercises to fit the needs of students on different levels of competence
- how to manage the pace and level of difficulty of your lessons to help both weaker and stronger students benefit from them
David Spencer
Developing Writing: Overcoming the obstacles, in class and online
Are your students scared of the blank page or screen in front of them? Do they suffer from a permanent ‘writer’s block’? In this webinar we shall first look at some reasons why writing is one of the hardest and most frustrating of the four skills to master, particularly for teenagers. Then comes the good news – that there are many different solutions for most of the obstacles that make writing so complicated. In the webinar I will suggest a variety of practical writing activities and games and also discuss different approaches to correcting written work. Apart from thinking about writing in the physical classroom, we will also consider this skill within the specific context of online teaching.
Jacek Lagun
The three (un)wise monkeys - on developing listening skills
We all know the statue of three wise monkeys: one covering its eyes, one covering its ears and one covering its mouth. They seem to be communicating that you should see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. I am not sure about evil but I do know that while doing listening tasks the teacher needs to apply an approach which is the opposite of the one suggested by the three (un)wise monkeys. The objective is to build students’ listening skills, develop their vocabulary range, and ultimately improve their listening scores in exam listening tasks.
In my webinar, I will demonstrate such an approach to listening for upper secondary students. I’ll demonstrate how to sensitize learners to the most common distracting techniques (SEE), how to develop their vocabulary while preparing them for the listening (HEAR), and how to use the listening for further speaking practice, leading to better vocabulary retention (SPEAK). Some illustration for this will come from GET 200, the best-selling exam preparation material published by Macmillan.
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