
Ukraine Online Conference Teaching in the new normal: challenges & solutions

19 Серпня 15:00
Ukraine Online Conference Teaching in the new normal: challenges & solutions

Ukraine Online Conference

Teaching in the new normal: challenges & solutions

Aug 19th – 20th 2020

Intro text:

In these uncertain times we all face unprecedented challenges as the teaching profession. Will our learners go back to their school desks on Sept 1st, will they stay at home, or will there be some sort of mixed, hybrid system not known as of yet? How can we begin to prepare for all such scenarios, what strategies to adopt, which materials and tools should we select?

That’s what this conference intends to help you with. Thanks to our great trainers – who are fantastic teachers themselves, with years of experience in the classroom – we’ll bring to you a huge number of practical, tried-and-tested solutions, tips and tricks, ready to take straight into your classrooms, on-line, off-line, or any combination of the two.

Day 1

Presenter: Inna Nestoiter

A Roadmap to teaching in the ‘new normal’

Невдовзі розпочнеться новий навчальний рік. Складно передбачити, яким він буде, тому ми хочемо допомогти вам розпочати його у повній готовності до будь-якого сценарію. Macmillan Education підготували для вчителів багато корисних ресурсів, з якими вас познайомить провідний методист видавництва Інна Нестоїтер.

Presenter: Gosia Mroz

Session 1

Mixed ability in a mixed reality

The current global situation has forced all of us, teachers, to move our lessons from school classrooms to online meeting rooms. The new learning environment means new tools and possibilities, but our daily teaching challenges have remained unchanged. One of them is teaching mixed ability classes. The question is: has the new reality got any impact on the way we approach our learners’ individual needs?

In this session, I will discuss the meaning of mixed ability classroom in the online and face-to-face contexts and show how to teach meaningful and engaging lessons in groups of uneven levels, different skills and varied learning styles. I will also provide you with very practical activities based on the All Clear course. They will help you support and challenge both weaker and stronger learners so that the outcome is a class of motivated students, in which everyone gets the chance to develop their language competence according to their needs and abilities.

Session 2

Let’s watch some … grammar!

We all know how much our students love watching films and videos. We also know that video content, if well-chosen and truly engaging, is potentially highly beneficial, both in face-to-face and in online contexts. The question is how to exploit the potential of videos to the full with our Young Learners.

In this session, I will show how to support our YLs language development with the fantastic videos that come with the Academy Stars course. I will present tasks that combine using a textbook and animations to facilitate students’ understanding of grammatical structures as well as provide them with natural, real-life examples of dialogues and conversation patterns that help them use the language with much more ease.

Увага! Реєстрацію на конференцію буде відкрито 1 серпня. Слідкуйте за подальшою інформацією.