Max Maths Primary


max.png  Max Maths Flipping books
Max Maths is a Primary school maths course that uses the Singapore Approach to follow the Cambridge Primary maths curriculum framework.
It has been designed for International and English-medium schools and includes the following features to ensure a firm understanding and continued progression:
•    Course for over 6 levels
•    Stimulating and engaging content
•    Scaffolded activities
•    Integrated assessment
•    Language support for teachers and pupils whose first language may not be English
•    Independent and cooperative learning methods
•    Real world concepts.

For Pupils

•    Student Books 1-6
•    Digital Student Books 1-6
•    Wookbooks 1-6
•    Journals are designed to help involve parents in the learning process, to provide a framework for reflecting on learning and consolidate their classroom learning.

Teacher’s Components

•    Teacher’s Guides 1-6
A suggested instructional approach for each chapter and topic, additional class activities, and full Answer Keys.
•    Teacher’s Presentation Kits 1-6

A suite of easy-to-use, downloadable materials for interactive whiteboards or projectors.

academy_icon.png    Learn more about:
Teaching Through English: Primary Maths and Science (Norwich Institute for Language Education NILE)

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