E Nesbit, adapted by Gill Munton

Five Children and It

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История о том, как пятеро детей подружились с необычным существом. Оно пытается выполнить желания, загаданные детьми, но никто из них не получает именно то, что он хотел.



Количество лексических единиц

Past simple tense

Life at the White House was very different to life in London.

10,577 слов

Past perfect tense

When she has read it she said, ‘I must go and look after your grandmother.’

must / mustn’t

for obligation or prohibition    ‘You must all be very good.’
‘We mustn’t be late for breakfast.’

first conditional

‘If we do get to Australia, the Australian children will get sand in their eyes.’
‘What if it hits someone on the head?’   
wish    ‘We wish you would come out.’
‘I wish – we were all beautiful!’

Comparative adverbs

His body grew much fatter.

have to  for obligation

‘We’ll have to wait until sunset.’
‘I had to pay for the lemonade with my own money.’

Past continuous tense

She was carrying a big plate of cold beef.

Future tense with will

‘I think I’ll buy a new hat.’
‘We’ll take them to the police station.’


‘You children should be ashamed.’

Present perfect tense

‘They’ve played a trick on me.’
‘These children haven’t stolen anything!’

should have done

‘You shouldn’t have gone into Rochester by yourselves!’


‘Money would be more useful than gold.’

Future tense with going to

‘I’m going to pick some flowers.’


‘I need your help.’

could for ability in the past

‘I could see lots of food on a shelf inside the room.’


emotions e.g. cross, scared, action verbs e.g. climbed,  wishes and dreams

Five Children and It
Track 1
(4.5 Мб)
Track 2
(3.9 Мб)
Track 3
(2.9 Мб)
Track 4
(3.6 Мб)
Track 5
(3 Мб)
Track 6
(3 Мб)
Track 7
(4 Мб)
Track 8
(2.7 Мб)
Track 9
(3.1 Мб)
Track 10
(3.7 Мб)