A classic story, adapted by Gill Munton

Robin Hood and his Merry Men

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Пересказ английской народной баллады о предводителе лесных разбойников Робин Гуде, который вместе со своей шайкой боролся за справедливость – грабил богатых, отдавая добытое беднякам.



Количество лексических единиц

Present simple tense

He makes the people pay lots of taxes

7376 слов

Present continuous tense

His brother, bad Prince John, is ruling England.

Past simple tense

When Robin was ten, he heard his father talking about the Sheriff of Nottingham

Past continuous tense

They were hiding from Joanna’s father.

Present continuous for future

Robin of Locksley is getting married?

Present simple for future

The wedding is tomorrow.

Future tense with will

‘Marian and I will help you all we can.’

Future tense with going to

It was going to be fun in the forest!

Present perfect tense

‘You have come here with a sword.’

Past perfect tense

Perhaps she had put poison in the drink so he would die.

infinitive of purpose

They left Sir Robert’s home and went to live in the forest.

Had to

‘I had to leave my abbey because I spoke against the Sheriff of Nottingham.’

Reported speech

They told him his flour was too expensive.
Will told me to stay outside.


But the Sheriff and his men were too strong for them.

Verb + ing

Robin stopped singing and put down his knife.

Phrasal verbs

take away, look after, gallop off / away / out of, come out, spy on, set off, look for, throw off, tip out


adventure story e.g. spies, hide,make trouble forests e.g. glen, jobs e.g. miller, butcher, adjectives e.g. poor, surprised

Robin Hood and his Merry Men
Track 1
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Track 2
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Track 3
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Track 4
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Track 5
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Track 6
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Track 7
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Track 8
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Track 9
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Track 10
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Track 11
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Track 12
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Track 13
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Track 14
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